Duty to Whom? Ethics Dilemmas Confronted by Government Lawyers

Lleytons will attend the two-hour broadcast related to the ethical dilemmas facing government lawyers. Different dilemmas particular to lawyers currently working for government will be examined and how they can be resolved.


When will it be?

The broadcast will be available on Thursday 27 June 2019 and will last approximately two hours. We will receive downloadable material to accompany this interesting program.

In it, we will find different speakers. Troy McKenzie, professor of law at New York University School of Law, stands out. In addition, we will have the opportunity to listen to John B. Bellinger, III, Meredith Fuchs, Derek P. Langhauser, Thomas D. Morgan and Richard W. Painter. All of them will provide relevant information on the programme’s theme.


Why attend?

Government lawyers are subject to the same rules of professional conduct as other lawyers. Despite this, their unique role poses problems that are not generally found in the private sector. For example, the rules of conduct of traditional models state that a lawyer must jealously represent the client, but there are different specific obligations of a government lawyer that lead to the question of who the client is.


What will we learn?

Thanks to a staff of government lawyers, we will have the possibility to examine different common ethical issues that they themselves face when they are working in or for the public sector.

This is a very useful transmission for us, as we have a great interest in learning about the intersection between legal ethics and government service.

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